When you share this vision with us, we would greatly appreciate it if you help us realize this vision.
You can support us in various ways:
By a financial donation
By giving an interest-free loan.
When you have been trained in architectural and school technical fields, you can be deployed for a long or short term.
By putting us in touch with organizations that share the same vision
With advice and suggestions.
Gifts and loans can be deposited in the name of
St. Life and Peace Int.
Box 22550
1100 DB Amsterdam
You can also make a financial contribution to our bank account:
Attn. Life and Peace International Foundation
NL16 INGB 0008076825
Description: Africa School Project
Attn. Life and Peace International Foundation
NL45 INGB 0008285920
Description: Bible Trainng
All donations to St. Life & Peace Int. are tax deductible!